Psychological wellbeing and the association with burnout in a cohort of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Psychological wellbeing and the association with burnout in a cohort of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Introduction Burnout is an ongoing, significant threat to healthcare worker (HCW) well-being and to health systems’…

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Evolution of burnout and psychological distress in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 1-year observational study | BMC Psychiatry

Evolution of burnout and psychological distress in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 1-year observational study | BMC Psychiatry

World Health Organization Listings of WHO’s response to COVID-19 Cyr S, Marcil MJ, Marin MF,…

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Editorial: Psychological Distress, Burnout, Quality of Life, and Wellness Among Healthcare Workers

Editorial: Psychological Distress, Burnout, Quality of Life, and Wellness Among Healthcare Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased pressure on health systems, forcing staff to make critical decisions in…

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How to Regulate Your Nervous System To Manage Anxiety, Overwhelm, and Burnout With Michelle Grosser

How to Regulate Your Nervous System To Manage Anxiety, Overwhelm, and Burnout With Michelle Grosser

Read Transcript Child: Welcome to my Mommy’s podcast. Hello and welcome to the Wellness Mama podcast.…

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Evaluation of psychological distress, burnout and structural empowerment status of healthcare workers during the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study | BMC Psychiatry

Evaluation of psychological distress, burnout and structural empowerment status of healthcare workers during the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study | BMC Psychiatry

Responses rate An online survey was sent via email to healthcare workers (HCWs) from 48 different…

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