Phillip Morris family suing healthcare firm after gastric operation

Phillip Morris family suing healthcare firm after gastric operation

Lecturer and author Phillip Morris, 48, originally from Newport, died from a lack of oxygen at St…

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Clinical Guidance for Scarlet Fever | Group A Strep

Clinical Guidance for Scarlet Fever | Group A Strep

Overview Scarlet fever, also called scarlatina, is caused by pyrogenic exotoxin-producing Streptococcus pyogenes (group A strep…

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Current situation of central nervous system tumour survivors in a spanish hospital

Current situation of central nervous system tumour survivors in a spanish hospital

Introduction Central nervous system (CNS) tumors are the most common solid tumors and the leading cause…

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India faces outbreak of creeping paralysis

India faces outbreak of creeping paralysis

Getty Images There have been previous outbreaks of GBS in India – in 2019 at least…

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Psychologists are challenging leadership norms in health care settings

Psychologists are challenging leadership norms in health care settings

One key to unlocking leadership opportunities in a health care setting is finding a high-level staff…

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Vagus nerve stimulation may tame autoimmune diseases : Shots

Vagus nerve stimulation may tame autoimmune diseases : Shots

An illustration of the Vagus nerve, which is part of the autonomic nervous system. SEBASTIAN KAULITZKI/SCIENCE…

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